Tuesday, September 3, 2024

August News

 The first few weeks of school have been flying by!  Our class has been busy getting to know each other by participating in various activities including “Me Bags”.  A thank you to all the parents who helped their child pick out items that were special or meaningful to them in some way.  Students enjoyed hearing each other’s presentations and in turn, learned a lot about their classmates.  Meanwhile, we logged into our Chromebooks for the first time and took an online quiz using Kahoot!  Students had a blast answering questions about themselves!  It was a nice way for students to be introduced to using the Chromebooks. 

Students also worked on distinguishing between complete sentences and fragments.  We’ll use that skill as we then identify & use four types of sentences; exclamations, questions, statements, and commands

Students have begun our first module of Eureka Math. In this module students will be relating multiplication and division facts. Here are some terms that students will be learning and using:

  • array

  • commutative property

  • equal groups

  • distributive property

  • divide/division

  • factors

  • multiply/multiplication

  • parentheses

  • product

  • quotient

  • rotate

  • row/column

To start practicing our math facts, students learned how to play multiplication war with regular playing cards.

In Reading we have begun building stamina for Read to self, and determining which books are “good-fit” books for our reading time.  

In Writer’s Workshop, students were able to decorate their writing notebooks at the end of August.  They look beautiful!  During our launch of Writing Workshop, students have been building a sense of purpose in their writing while listening to mentor texts, noticing writing techniques, and generating ideas for what they could write about to use on days when it seems as though nothing interesting has happened, ever!

In Social Studies, we began learning about landforms and bodies of water and identifying these terms on maps.